Thank to everyone who came to our Make Childcare Make Sense conference at City Hall on Tuesday looking at how can we make childcare and early education more accessible and affordable for low-income families in London.
Our wonderful speakers generously gave their time; sharing their experiences of childcare from their perspectives as parents, providers, researchers and policy experts and the feedback we had from those who came was that they found it both informative and energising.
A key takeaway from the event was that despite this Government attaching strong value to early years and its commitment to putting in place a child poverty strategy, significant further reform to the early education and childcare system is required so that it can effectively contribute to tackling child poverty. There was however welcome resolution from those in the room, who included Joanne McCartney Deputy Mayor for Children and Young People and representatives from a number of London Boroughs, to take action to remove barriers to access to childcare for families on low incomes, including especially those with disabled children, families with no recourse to public funds and single parents.
If you weren’t able to join us its not too late to check out and share our research report and campaign video. Please do get in touch if you’d like to chat more about this topic.
Katherine, Emily and Maddie