4in10 Policy Forum
The 4in10 Policy Forum policy forum meets on a quarterly basis to discuss matters relating to policy and tackling child poverty in London, share information and seek support for our individual organisations’ campaigns and plan how we can work effectively together to influence policy.
The meetings are online and all 4in10 members are welcome to attend.
Dates of upcoming meetings
11 July 2024 11.00 – 12.30
8 October 2024 11.00 – 12.30
9 January 2025 11 – 12.30
Email us here to joining the Policy Forum mailing list and to register your interest in attending a meeting.
Past work
Up until 2023, 4in10 supported the London Child Poverty Alliance (LCPA) a group of around 30 organisations focusing on policy solutions to child poverty in London. The LCPA has now been replaced and renewed by the 4in10 Policy Forum which has a similar focus but is open to all 4in10 members.
Local Elections 2022
Under the auspices of the London Child Poverty Alliance we campaigned for candidates standing for election as councillors or mayors in May 2022, to publicly commit to working towards a child poverty free London.
The campaign included a practical manifesto for pledgers, including policy actions within the power of local councils, which can tackle child poverty in their community.
Following nearly 300 candidates standing for election pledging to work towards eradicating child poverty in their community, 150 candidates were elected to serve their community whilst committing to this pledge. These pledges initially came from 26 different London boroughs, whilst in 19 boroughs a candidate was elected who committed to this pledge.
We continue to communicate regularly with these elected councillors supporting them to put their pledge (and the manifesto) into practice.

View pledges here
London Mayoral Election 2021
Following the lockdowns and height of the Covid pandemic, attention in London focused upon London’s recovery. Londoners had been hit hard by the pandemic. Child poverty and inequalities had been exacerbated, with the poorest groups experiencing destitution and financial uncertainty. campaigned to ensure that recovery plans had, at their heart, a commitment to end child poverty and protect the rights of all the city’s children.
The LCPA produced a manifesto of actions for Mayoral candidates to take in order to alleviate child poverty in the capital.