
July 2024

Become have released an open letter to the new government entitled ‘Care-experienced young people tell our new Parliament it’s Time To Show You Care’


July 2024

KIDS have written a blog with some reflections opportunities for immediate fixes and long-term reform on the SEND system presented by the election result


July 2024

Praxis have written a blog with a for the new government and they have a produced a video of them presenting their petition to parliament

End Child Poverty Coalition

July 2024

End Child Poverty Coalition have released their analysis of new research which shows the majority of families impacted by the two-child limit are working.

The Early Education and Childcare Coalition

July 2024

The Early Education and Childcare Coalition have released a video designed to ensure that early education is on the agenda for the first 100 days of the new government

Policy in Practice

June 2024

Policy in Practice have released the recording of their latest webinar entitled “Tackling child hunger by auto enrolment in Free School Meals”

London Youth

June 2024

London Youth have produced a new article ‘General Election 2024: our review of the party manifestos’

Child Poverty Action Group

June 2024

Child Poverty Action Group have responded to the three main party’s manifestos:

The Institute for Fiscal Studies

June 2024

The Institute for Fiscal Studies have written an article exploring the effects of the 2 child limit ‘The two-child limit: poverty, incentives and cost’


June 2024

The TUC have written a blog exploring the ‘Sharp rise in number of children growing up in poverty in working households’

Early Education and Childcare Coalition

June 2024

Early Education and Childcare Coalition have produced a video pushing for childcare to be more prominent in the election campaign

Centre for Young Lives

June 2024

Centre for Young Lives have produced a ‘Ten Point Plan for a New Government’

Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition

June 2024

Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition has coordinated an open letter signed by 50 organisations to the leaders of political parties calling on them to prioritise children’s mental health.

The Sutton Trust

June 2024

The Sutton Trust have produced an article outlining ’10 ways to close the attainment gap’

The Food Foundation

June 2024

The Food Foundation’s latest report ‘A Neglected Generation: Reversing the decline in children’s health in England’ has been published.

The Renters Reform Coalition

June 2024

The Renters Reform Coalition have produced an open letter calling for ‘‘immediate action to address the unprecedented crisis facing private renters’

London Chamber of Commerce and Centre for London

June 2024

The Early Education and Childcare Coalition have released a report called ‘Pulse Check: Public Attitudes Towards Early Education and Childcare’

End Child Poverty Coalition

June 2024

Layla (name changed to protect her identity) a young End Child Poverty Coalition ambassador who has personally experienced the harsh realities of poverty has written a blog reflecting on the recent report from Loughborough University for ECP.

Young Women's Trust

June 2024

Young Women’s Trust have released their ‘Manifesto for an equal world of work’

Early Education and Childcare Coalition

June 2024

Early Education and Childcare Coalition have appeared on an ITV article to ‘warn of recruitment and funding crisis’

My London

June 2024

My London have published an article about the lived experience of families that are trapped for a long time in temporary accommodation.

The Runnymede Trust

June 2024

The Runnymede Trust have produced a report called ‘The racialised harm of police strip searches: a response from the Runnymede Trust to a Home Office consultation’

London Chamber of Commerce and Centre for London

May 2024

London Chamber of Commerce have published a report commissioned from Centre for London entitled ‘London’s economy: A local authority-level analysis’ which contains useful information on London’s population and deprivation.

The NSPCCAction for Children, Barnardo’s, the National Children’s Bureau and The Children’s Society

May 2024

In an article in The Observer , the NSPCCAction for Children, Barnardo’s, the National Children’s Bureau and The Children’s Society call for the next government to pass a new law within 100 days of winning the general election that would commit ministers to eradicating child poverty

Early Education and Childcare Coalition

May 2024

Early Education and Childcare Coalition of which 4in10 is pleased to be a member has released ‘Rescue and Reform: A Manifesto to Transform Early Education and Childcare in England’

Joseph Rowntree Foundation

May 2024

Joseph Rowntree Foundation have published the latest findings from their cost-of-living survey which found the number of households going without essentials hasn’t dropped below 7 million since May 2022.

The Magpie Project

May 2024

The Magpie Project have published a briefing paper Hungry, Unhealthy and heartsore: Families fed up of being unable to feed themselves in support of their ‘No child in a home without a kitchen campaign’

Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition

May 2024

Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition have released a report called ‘Not in School: the Mental Health Barriers School Attendance’

The King's Fund and Joseph Rowntree Foundation

March 2024

The King’s Fund and Joseph Rowntree Foundation have today published a Long Read:  ‘Illustrating the relationship between poverty and NHS services’


March 2024

Sustain have a new report out ‘Food experiences of people seeking asylum in London: areas for local action’

Coram Family and Childcare

March 2024

Coram Family and Childcare’s Childcare Survey 2024 report is out now.

Christians Against Poverty

March 2024

Christians Against Poverty has a new report out ‘Pushed under, pushed out’ exploring the link between debt, poverty and living standards.

Trust for London

April 2024

Trust for London have published new data analysis on London’s temporary accommodation crisis

Child Poverty Action Group

April 2024

Child Poverty Action Group have published a blog Why not everyone will benefit from benefit uprating which looks at the situation of those affected by the benefits cap

Single Parent Rights Campaign

May 2024

Single Parent Rights Campaign gave evidence to the Work and Pensions Commitment on 17 April as part of a one-off evidence session on the Back to Work Plan and its impact on single parents. You can watch the session here.


May 2024

CPAG’s Debt Advice Handbook, fully updated for 2024 is now available on line.

Partnership for Young London

May 2024

Partnership for Young London have released the Young Londoners’ Manifesto 2024

Department for Work and Pensions

March 2024

Department for Work and Pensions have released the annual Households Below Average Income data which shows 4.3 million children (30%) were in poverty in the year to April 2023. Child Poverty Action Group’s response is here

West London Zone (for Children and Young People)

March 2024

West London Zone (for Children and Young People) have released a report called ‘Closing the Gap’ a holistic approach to building preventative methods to tackle child poverty’


February 2024

Sustain’s Hannah Gibbs (Programme Manager of Bridging the Gap) has released a blog called ‘Fixing supply chains for a fairer food future’

The Trussell Trust and Joseph Rowntree Foundation

March 2024

The Trussell Trust and Joseph Rowntree Foundation delivered a petition to parliament asking them to support their ‘Essentials Guarantee’ campaign. Videos of the petition hand-in from both partners can be seen here:

Kindred Squared

March 2024

Kindred Squared have released their ‘School Readiness’ Report

Action for Children

March 2024

Action For Children have released new analysis on ‘Child poverty and barriers to work’

Single Parent Rights

March 2024

Single Parent Rights have released new research called ‘Universal Credit Conditionality Research: The Impact on Single Parents’. Nursery World and The Guardian have covered the report.


March 2024

Sustain have released their latest ‘Good Food for All Londoners’ report


March 2024

RSA have released a report called ‘State of Paralysis’ looking at young people’s economic security and what it means for their health and wellbeing.

Trust for London

March 2024

Trust for London have released an article called ‘Strategic legal action: securing change for low-income pregnant women’


March 2024

NCP have released their ‘State of the Sector 2024’ report

Resolution Foundation

March 2024

The Resolution Foundation have released their report ‘We’ve only just begun: Action to improve young people’s mental health, education and employment’

Pregnant then Screwed

February 2024

Pregnant then Screwed and Women in Data have released statistics about the cost of parenting


February 2024

Gingerbread have released a guide on claiming Universal Credit and have released a video which sums up the key information.

Trussell Trust and Joseph Rowntree Foundation

February 2024

Trussell Trust and Joseph Rowntree Foundation have launched ‘Guarantee our Essentials: reforming Universal Credit to ensure we can all afford the essentials in hard times’ containing new research. in support of the campaign for an essentials guarantee.


February 2024

Coram Family and Childcare have released some early data from their Childcare Survey 2024


February 2024

DWP have published ‘Below Average Resources: developing a new poverty measure’.  This is a release of official statistics in development and a statistical consultation on developing new statistics based on the Social Metrics Commission approach to poverty measurement. Responses to the consultation are sought by 11 April.

University of Warwick

February 2024

Nicky Hawkins and Michael Orton from the University of Warwick are working with partners to align around pro social security messages to create a drumbeat in the run up to the general election. Learn more in this prosocial security messaging document


February 2024

Praxis have released a short video calling for a meeting with Minister for Children David Johnston to hear from campaigners how being excluded from support impacts them? Please watch and share.


February 2024

NPC have published a report ‘Closing the gap: Building better child poverty prevention systems’


February 2024

Coram have a major new report out Charter for Children