“Make Childcare Make Sense” How can we make childcare and early education more accessible and affordable for low-income families in London?
Join us at our in-person conference
“Make Childcare Make Sense” How can we make childcare and early education more accessible and affordable for low-income families in London?
Date: Tuesday 21 January 2025
Time: 10:00 – 13:00 (full agenda to be confirmed)
Venue: London’s Living Room, City Hall, Kamal Chunchie Way, London, E16 1ZE
Free to attend
You are invited to a half-day conference on childcare at City Hall hosted by Marina Ahmad AM to hear about the experiences of families living on low incomes when it comes to childcare and early education and discuss the actions that are needed to make these services more accessible and affordable for them.
Over the past year, a number of key reports have been published looking at these issues. These include the London Assembly Economy Committee’s Early years childcare in London report, Business LDN’s No Kidding, How transforming childcare can boost the economy report and 4in10’s own ‘Make Childcare Make Sense for families on low incomes in London’ report. We now want to reflect on their collective findings and look at how their recommendations can now be actioned and implemented.
Attending this event, you will have the chance to
- Learn about the findings from 4in10’s research report ‘Make Childcare Make Sense’ and see the accompanying short film.
- Hear in more depth from parents who face particular barriers to accessing affordable childcare, such as single parents, those with children with SEND, those with No Recourse to Public Funds.
- Discuss with key stakeholders, including the GLA, local authorities, the business community and early years providers what they are doing and what more needs to be done to make childcare and early education more accessible and affordable in the city.
Marina Ahmad AM, Chair of London Assembly Economy, Culture and Skills Committee
Joanne McCartney, Deputy Mayor for Children and Families
Emily Barker, Research and Learning Officer, 4in10 London’s Child Poverty Network
Sarah Ronan, Director, Early Education and Childcare Coalition
Members of Praxis’ Childcare for All campaign group
Katie Ghose, Chief Executive, KIDS, a national charity for disabled children
June O’Sullivan OBE, CEO, London Early Years Foundation
Ruth Talbot, Founder and Director, Single Parents Rights and Policy and Advocacy Advisor at Save the Children
Rosa Schling, On the Record
Places are free but please must be booked in advance for security purposes. Places are limited and we expect the event to be popular so book TODAY.
Kamal Chunchie Way
London, LON E16 1ZE
United Kingdom