Community Money Advice

We are a support network for organisations offering debt and money advice.


Enabling the voice of disadvantaged young people to be heard.

Refugee Women Connect

Outreach and support for women asylum seekers and refugees.

Working Chance (N)

Supporting women within the criminal justice system to gain employment and move on with their lives.

ABC Parents

Supporting families attending Paediatric AandE at the North Middlesex Hospital to ensure issues relating to low income are addressed alongside presenting health issues.


Supporting children and families where one or other parent is in prison.

London Irish Centre

Provides specialist information and advice on welfare related issues including housing, benefits and passports for the Irish community.

Abuse Never Becomes Us

Supporting domestic, sexual and child abuse survivors from the Tamil community. London wide

Just for Kids Law (N)

Support children and young people with direct casework  that helps them to overcome  problems they face, and use evidence from our practice to campaign for wider reform.

Afghanistan and Central Asian Association

Women's Project, Skills Workshops, Family Support, Welfare and Housing Advice for the Afghan community.