Harrow Foodbank

Voucher System. Three sites in the borough.

Healthy Living Project

Christian led. Aim to improve education, overcome social isolation and improve the health and well being of all those that engage with our projects. We are particularly focussed on meeting the needs of the Homeless & Socially Isolated, Children & Families.

Helen Bamber Foundation

Supports refugees and migrants who have suffered extreme cruelty and trauma

Haringey Migrant Support Centre

Advice on immigration and welfare issues and social support

Haringey Young Carers Project

Support for young carers 07971 308891

Hackney Foodbank

Voucher System and booked appointments

Hackney Migrant Centre

Offer information and advice for refugees and migrants in the borough

Hackney Quest

Aims to give young people, families and members of the community the practical and emotional support that they need to develop and pursue their aspirations and deal positively with life’s challenges against a backdrop of social and economic disadvantage.

Hammersmith & Fulham Law Centre

Free and independent legal advice on social welfare issues including housing, debt, immigration and employment.

Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank

Voucher System and Deliveries. Three Sites