National Gambling

Offer a 24 hour helpline 0808 8020 133 providing help for those who realise they have difficulty stopping gambling


BAME run sexual health support agency, counselling as well as other practical support for the LGBTQ+ BAME community and others.

METRO GAVS (Greenwich)

Umbrella organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors (VCSE) in the borough


Provides support for LGBTQ+ young people

Money A&E

Support with money management. Training in finances. Personal debt advice.

Mosaic Youth

For LGBTQ+ young people to help combat isolation

Metro Charity

Promote health and wellbeing to anyone experiencing issues relating to sexuality, gender, equality, diversity and identity, and use our unique insight from these transformative services and our diverse heritage to influence decision makers and to effect positive change.

Mary Ward Legal Centre

Free and independent legal advice on social welfare issues including housing, debt, immigration and employment.

May Project

Alternative youth provision for young refugees and other young people in South London


A wide range of information designed specifically to support those with learning disability. These may also be useful to people who struggle with literacy.