Barnet Somali Commuity Group

Support for Somalis living or working in Barnet or surrounding Boroughs

Baobob Centre

A psychotherapeutic community that enables child and adolescent asylum seekers who have experienced trauma in their home communities and on their journeys to thrive in the UK

Barking and Dagenham Council for Voluntary Service

Umbrella organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors (VCSE) in the borough

Barking and Dagenham Young Carers Project

Support for young carers 0208593 4422


Housing association specialises in supporting refugee and migrant housing

Art Against Knives

Intervene early to prevent young people from becoming victims or perpetrators of violent crime. We embed creative spaces in London’s most isolated communities, co-designed with young people, that build on their strengths and create opportunity.

Aston Masfield

Services for children and their families in Newham

Baby Basics

Provides essentials and equipment to families who are unable to provide these themselves. Collections available from Barnet and Sunbury. Check website for other venues.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Offer online and phone support for those worried about their drinking

Alone in London DePaul Charity

For 16-25’s at risk of or experiencing homelessness