Rainbow Across Borders

Croydon based group providing support and friendship for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers

Rainbow Trust

Supports families with a critically ill child


Offer crisis support for people under 35 who may be feeling suicidal


Aimed at young people 14-35 years who are struggling with unusual experiences like hearing voices or feeling paranoid

No Panic Helpline

Helplines for anxiety disorders panic attacks etc. 0844 9674848 Youth Helpline 0330 606 1174 (for 13 to 20 year olds open Mon to Thurs 4pm-6pm)

New Horizons Youth Centre

Housing advice and other support for 16 – 25 year olds.

Nip in the Bud

A guide to helping children deal with anxiety.


BAME run sexual health support agency, counselling as well as other practical support for the LGBTQ+ BAME community and others.

Metro Charity

Promote health and wellbeing to anyone experiencing issues relating to sexuality, gender, equality, diversity and identity, and use our unique insight from these transformative services and our diverse heritage to influence decision makers and to effect positive change.


Provides support for LGBTQ+ young people