Social Action for Health

Challenging inequality in health

Sign Health

Up-to-date information available in British Sign Language. Includes specialist Domestic Violence support and a crisis text service.


Offer specific information for parents caring for a child with Cerebral Palsy


Have an online toolkit for parents with activities to support  deaf/blind children at home


Provide urgent housing advice as well as more general information about housing issues

Shout The Mix and Young Minds

Provide one platform for those under 25 looking for mental health support


Produce a guide to welfare and financial support for those with a visual impairment

SA-UK (Social Anxiety UK)

Volunteer led organisation providing a range of support and on and off line social groups for those with social anxiety.

Refugees at Home

Matches people with a spare room with a refugee needing somewhere to live

Renters Rights

Supports the legal rights of private tenants to have their voices heard and to challenge private landlords