Rainbow Trust

Supports families with a critically ill child

Red Cross

Offers support including help with emergency food,bedding and travel as well as a family reunion service.

Phoenix Futures

Provide drug and alcohol recovery housing options and advice

Pimlico Toy Library

Supporting play and development for children under 5 in the Pimlico area

One Westminster

Umbrella organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors (VCSE) in the borough

Our Time

Have an online resource pack for parents who struggle with their own mental health

Pain Concern

For those living with chronic pain and those caring for them 0300 123 0789


Offer crisis support for people under 35 who may be feeling suicidal

OCD Action

Information and support for Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCDs), Body Dismorphic Disorder (BDD),Skin Picking (CSP), Trichotillomania (TTM) – compulsive hair pulling 0845 390 6232


Information and support relating to OCDs