Rainbow Across Borders

Croydon based group providing support and friendship for LGBTQ+ asylum seekers

Rainbow Trust

Supports families with a critically ill child


Supports destitute migrants in Redbridge and Newham

Red Cross

Offers support including help with emergency food,bedding and travel as well as a family reunion service.


Support the refugee and migrant community with housing and other advice and information

Petts Wood Playgroup

Supports children from 0 – 5 with Special Needs and their families

Phoenix Futures

Provide drug and alcohol recovery housing options and advice

Pimlico Toy Library

Supporting play and development for children under 5 in the Pimlico area

Plumstead Community Law Centre

Free and independent legal advice on social welfare issues including housing, debt, immigration and employment.

One Westminster

Umbrella organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors (VCSE) in the borough