Bexley Young Carers

A support service to anyone aged 8-18 living in Bexley who is taking on caring responsibilities for a family member with a long-term illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse issue.

BLAM (black learning achievement and mental health)

Promoting positive identity for black children

Body & Soul Charity

Family Support. Including support for those living with HIV

Bonny Downs Community Association

Support and activities for children and families

Brain Tumour Charity

Supports families with a child with a brain tumour

Bread N Butter

Supporting families with nutrition and cooking skills

Bexley Moorings

Moorings is a mental health charity which supports young people aged 8-17 living in Bexley. Offering befrienders and groups. groups.

Bexley Parents Voice

Support and advocacy for parents of special needs children

Barnet Young Carers

Support for young carers

Barons Court Project

Support people that are on low income, homeless and/or vulnerable to mental health issues.