St Joseph Services

Providing care and support services for adults with a learning disability for over 95 years.


Simply Connect Croydon

A compendium of resources in the local area. Visit it here.



Supporting autistic children and young people and their families in Bromley

Bromley Mencap

Children and Family services for those with learning disability and those with autism in the borough,

Bromley Well

Supports people with Autism aged 16+ in the borough

Carers Information Service Croydon

Information and advice service for carers living in, or caring for someone who lives in, Croydon. Run carers support groups.


Local parents/carers groups for those living with and caring for a child or adult on the Autistic Spectrum.

Stay Safe East

Provides a domestic violence support service for deaf and disabled people in Waltham Forest and Newham.


Work therapeutically with adults with autism and LD challenging sexual and domestic abuse and violence and other forms of trauma.

Lewisham Parent Carer's Forum

Peer support for parents and carers with a special needs child.