Centre 404

Support for children and adults with SEN and their families

Carers Support, Bexley

Provides information, support and breaks for carers

Burning Nights CRPS Support

Support for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) sufferers their families friends and carers 01663 795055

Brent Carers Centre

Ensure that unpaid carers are recognised, valued and supported to live rather than just exist

Brent Parent Carer Forum

Support and advocacy for parents of special needs children

Bexley Parents Voice

Support and advocacy for parents of special needs children

Apna Ghar

Supports the BME disabled community with housing in Brent Ealing Harrow Islington Haringey Hackney and Newham

Ambitious about Autism

General information and learning resources for autistic children.

Action on Hearing Loss

Information about how to deal with specific issues such as problems with hearing aids other hearing support

Advocacy for All

A locally-rooted advocacy organisation with a strong history, that exists to give people a voice through one to one advocacy and self-advocacy group