Camden Listening and Counselling Centre

Free crisis counselling suupport

Cardinal Hume Centre

Advice service including employment support and advice, family support, welfare rights

Carers Support, Bexley

Provides information, support and breaks for carers

Burning Nights CRPS Support

Support for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) sufferers their families friends and carers 01663 795055

Camden & Islington Young Carers Service

Support for young carers 0207 2726933

Brent Carers Centre

Ensure that unpaid carers are recognised, valued and supported to live rather than just exist

Brent Centre for Young People

Mental health charity for young people in North West London, supporting over 700 young people a year with a wide range of issues. We offer specialised treatment in the areas of suicide prevention, tackling self-harm, eating disorders, exam anxiety and more.

Brent Parent Carer Forum

Support and advocacy for parents of special needs children

BLAM (black learning achievement and mental health)

Promoting positive identity for black children

Body & Soul Charity

Family Support. Including support for those living with HIV