Step Change

Debt Advice Phone Line 0800 138 1111 or webchat

Stonewall Housing Advice

Housing support for the LGBT+ community

Street Link

Will put anyone street sleeping in touch with appropriate local support


Offer LGBT+ specific online sexual health advice and an online  LGBTQ+ youth session every Friday

Single Homelessness Project

Single Homeless Project, a London-wide charity working to prevent homelessness and help vulnerable and socially excluded people to transform their lives.

Social Action for Health

Challenging inequality in health

Sign Health

Up-to-date information available in British Sign Language. Includes specialist Domestic Violence support and a crisis text service.


Offer specific information for parents caring for a child with Cerebral Palsy


Have an online toolkit for parents with activities to support  deaf/blind children at home


Provide urgent housing advice as well as more general information about housing issues