4in10 Newsletter 23.3.23
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4in10 Newsletter 23.2.23
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4in10 Newsletter 8.3.23
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4in10 Newsletter 9.2.23
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4in10 Newsletter 26.1.23
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4in10 Newsletter 12.1.23
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4in10 Newsletter 15.12.22
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Home Start London
During London Challenge Poverty week we were thrilled to have worked with a huge number of different organisations and we continue to be grateful to each and every one.
One of the really positive outcomes was the work undertaken by Home Start London. They did some research which fed into Home Start London’s research asking about the experiences of their families.
Since then we have been lucky enough to continue to work with them and we have now been able to list all of them on Our Give and Get Help.
This information is also available on their directory which can be found here.
Sarah Jones, MP in discussion on the impact of violence and poverty on young people in London
In follow up to a coffee morning 4in10 hosted in early November, I had a chance to speak with Sarah Jones, MP for Croydon who set up the national cross-party campaign against knife crime and is Labour’s Shadow Minister for Policing and the Fire Service. She discussed her experience working to address knife crime and what she’s learned in her role as MP in Croydon.
Our full discussion is available at this link or by clicking on the thumbnail below.
4in10 welcomes discussion from elected representatives from all political parties as they support and collaborate with our network members to implement sustainable, permanent changes to reduce poverty and all its damaging outcomes.
The GLA Cost of Living Bus Tour
As part of its response to the cost-of-living crisis the GLA has launched its Debt Free Advice: Cost of Living bus tour