#KEEP THE LIFELINE - Day of Action 17th August
Let's make as much noise as we can to show opposition to the cut to Universal Credit and what it will mean.
One Conservative MP has said he has heard no concerns about this from his constituents. Let's change that. They should not be able to say they don't know of any impact from this decision.
Save the Children Fund have come up with some really useful resources:
- Web page with info for UC & WTC claimants & writing to their MP
- Web page with info for legacy benefit claimants & writing to their MP
- Web page for supporters with write to MP instructions
- A ‘Campaign guide’ - a guide for smaller organisations or leaders who are keen to get involved. It has details of the campaign, links to assets, write to MP guidance and suggested tweets.
The aim on the day is to:
- Raise awareness of the cut & how it will impact families
- Create a twitter buzz that ideally trends
- Create a space for claimants and people working with them to share how the cut will affect individuals
- Encourage MPs to show their public support
- Generate media coverage
To generate as much social media and media action as possible it would be great if we could all tweet our support and share with others about the day and call to action.
With that in mind it would be great to let as many people in your networks know about the day of action and encourage and raise as much awareness of the planned cuts.
The more people make a fuss then the more pressure on the Government to U-turn.
Suggested tweets below but please do feel free to use your own their own with the hashtags #keepthelifeline
Tweet One
The £20 increase has been a lifeline for those both in and out of work. If this is cut, even more children will be pushed into poverty and hardship. #KeepTheLifeline
Tweet two
Millions have relied on the £20 UC top up to buy food and essentials. If this is cut, even more children will be pushed into poverty and hardship. UK government to listen to the growing number of voices expressing support, and abandon plans to cut UC. #KeepTheLifeline
Tweet three
Millions of key worker families who have kept the country going throughout the crisis will be hit very hard by the forthcoming cut to Universal Credit. This isn’t right! join the growing number of voices urging the Government to #KeepTheLifeline
What can you do?
- Tweet on the day about the KTL campaign using the hashtag #keepthelifeline
- Ask your networks (members, allies, supporters) to tweet on the day using the hashtag #keepTheLifeline
- Ask Conservative MPs and high-profile supporters to tweet out their support using the hashtag #keepthelifeline
Thanks to Joseph Rowntree Foundation for coordinating the campaign and to all the organisations involved. Let's get this stopped!
Book Your Place - 4in10 Coffee Morning. Health Inequalities. 5th August 10am.
Book A Coffee Morning Place! |
Thursday 5th August 10 - 11am
4in10 Newsletter 22.07.2021
Enjoy our newly designed Newsletter with information, training, data, funding and much more. For this issue click here.
Have coffee with 4in10!
We are delighted to announce the launch of our new ‘4in10 Open Coffee Mornings’!
4in10 Open Coffee Mornings provide a free space for us all to listen, learn, connect, network, and voice concerns on a variety of topics related to child poverty in London.
4in10 Open Coffee Mornings are open to everyone. This includes 4in10 members, voluntary community sector organisations in London, those with lived experience, public sector workers and anyone who shares concern on issues relating to growing child poverty in our capital.
Launching with ‘Health Inequalities in London’ (5th August 2021 | 10:00 – 11:00), Open Coffee Morning sessions are thematic, meaning there is one overarching area in which frames the discussion. However, the sessions are truly flexible; attendees can contribute, participate, and engage in ways and on areas that matter to them.
4in10 is nothing without its membership. Some of our proudest moments at 4in10 have stemmed from shared ideas, cross-organisational collaboration and issue discussion amongst our members and voluntary community organisations. Our Coffee Mornings will provide a regular informal space for this to occur organically and more frequently.
The first Coffee Morning (Health Inequalities in London) is on 5th August, 10:00 – 12:00: sign up here
Sign up to the event to receive email notifications for the session, the ZOOM link, and information on future coffee mornings.
4in10 Coffee Mornings are held roughly every six weeks. Sign up to future sessions:
- 4in10 Open Coffee Morning: Benefits and Income – Wednesday 15th September (11am – 12am): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/162051573619
- 4in10 Open Coffee Morning: Housing and Homelessness – Tuesday 30th November (10am – 11am): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/162053060065
The following session will be at the end of January and the theme will be Family and Child Poverty in Outer London.
We look forward to seeing you there!
4in10 Newsletter 08.07.2021
Exiting new design 4in10 Newsletter with events, news, data, training and much more. For this issue click here.